Harry Emerson Fosdick said: “Until willingness overflows obligation, men fight as conscripts rather than following the flag as patriots. Duty is never worthily performed until it is performed by one who would gladly do more if only he could.”
At the beginning of my mission, my older brother was finishing up his mission in Spain. I always looked up to my brother and sought for advice from him, especially as a missionary. Shortly before my brother came home from his mission he wrote me a letter and shared something with me that he learned on his mission. He said "Faith is the power, Obedience is the price, Love is the motive, The Spirit is the key, Christ is the reason." As I have pondered these five things I have been able to realize why I am here and what it takes to be a great missionary. It has also helped me to find a lot of happiness in the gospel.
Faith is the Power: Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel. With faith in Jesus Christ we can do all things. The Bible Dictionary states; "To have faith is to have confidence in something or someone. The Lord has revealed himself and his perfect character, possessing in their fulness all the attributes of love, knowledge, justice, mercy, unchangeableness, power, and every other needful thing, so as to enable the mind of man to place confidence in him without reservation. Faith is a principle of action and of power, and by it one can command the elements and/or heal the sick, or influence any number of circumstances when occasion warrants (Jacob 4:4–7). Even more important, by faith one obtains a remission of sins and eventually can stand in the presence of God." It is sometimes hard for me to fully put all my Faith in God. However, the times in my mission when I have I have seen miracles. Faith is something I feel I can always improve on and as I do I can have power in doing missionary work and in all things I do in life.
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"My people must be tried in all things" (D&C 136:31). |
Obedience is the Price: Being raised in the gospel I learned the importance of obedience. Throughout my life I always strive to be obedient, but I am still human and have a hard time sometimes being 100% obedient. The Book of Mormon teaches us that the natural man is an enemy to God and will be until we learn to submit to all things that Heavenly Father feels is important to inflict upon us (Mosiah 3:19). As part of our lives here on earth we must learn to take things out of our lives that draw us away from God and replace them with things that bring us nearer to God. Doing this is a sacrifice. It requires us to give up something that we have for something greater. It is the Price we pay to become more like Christ. As we do this, Heavenly father has promised us great blessings. However, we don't receive any blessings from God until we are first obedient to his commandments (Doctrine and Coventants 130: 20-21).
Love is the Motive: As a missionary I have began to learn what it means to truly have love. Love is something that doesn't always come natural, but sometimes has to be developed. Love is developed by acting not by saying. Harry Emerson Fosdick said: “Until willingness overflows obligation, men fight as conscripts rather than following the flag as patriots. Duty is never worthily performed until it is performed by one who would gladly do more if only he could.”
President Thomas S. Monson taught us how to learn to love through the Savior. "By learning of Him, by believing in Him, by following Him, there is the capacity to become like Him. The countenance can change; the heart can be softened; the step can be quickened; the outlook enhanced. Life becomes what it should become. Change is at times imperceptible, but it does take place" (Thomas S. Monson, "The Way of the Master", Liahona, Jan. 2003, 3).
The Spirit is the key: I have learned that the Holy Ghost is the best guide through life. Learning to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost can sometimes be difficult, but when we learn to rely on the Holy Ghost we begin to let God direct our lives instead of trying to do it ourselves. In the scriptures we learn that God speaks to us through our feelings and that is why it is sometimes hard to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. However, the more we study and seek answers to our questions in life the more the spirit will work in us. The more the spirit works in us the easier it will be to understand its promptings (Doctrine and Covenants 9: 8-9). I know that as we strive to seek guidance from God he will help us in all aspects of our lives, but it is up to us to seek his help.
Christ is the reason: I can't think of any better reason than to have Jesus Christ as a motivating factor. God is our Heavenly Father, and like any parent He wants us, His children, to be happy. In the scriptures, He teaches “my work and my glory [is] to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). Eternal life means to live in heaven, in His presence, with our families, forever. God has given us commandments, which teach us what is right and wrong and chart a way through life that will offer the greatest happiness. Jesus Christ taught, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). But the scriptures also teach that “no unclean thing can dwell with God” (1 Nephi 10:21). As hard as we try to live good lives, we all sin, so how can we live in God’s perfect kingdom if we are imperfect?
God sent Jesus Christ to earth to give us a way to overcome our sins and imperfections. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) (What Jesus Christ Means to Us).
This truly is his work and it is an honor for me to be a part of it. I know that a loving Heavenly Father has restored his church to the earth today and in it we can find true happiness.
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