Hi, I'm Jessica.
I am a wife, mother, and teacher. I'm a Mormon. http://www.mormon.org/me/2T59/#
Hi, I'm Ethan
I'm a Mormon.
About Me
I have a pretty normal life for someone my age. I'm a husband to a wonderful woman, a dad to four amazing children, and someone who really wants to make a positive difference in the world. Sometimes I struggle just doing the basics well, like taking care of my family. But it is really important to me to improve the world my children and future grandchildren will live in. My membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and what I know and am because of it is what makes this possible.Why I am a Mormon- http://www.mormon.org/me/2R6G/Ethan#
Hi, I'm Trent
I'm a Mormon.