I love the movie Homeward Bound. It is a movie that relates so much to so many people especially me in my life. A family who goes on vacation takes their pets which include two dogs and a cat to a relatives house way out in the country. While the three animals are there they decide that they don't like it where they are at and they are going to find their way home. So they escape and begin their journey back home. Their adventure is full of many learning opportunties as they fight through the dangers and trials of being on their own. It wasn't always easy for them. They were used to having someone take care of their every needs. Now they had to work together for each other's safety and lives. The family who loved these animals so much searched hard to bring them back home. Eventualy these animals find their way back home to the people who love them so much. It wasn't easy for them, they had many obstacles to overcome, but they pushed forward with a hope of making it home. And home they made it where they knew they would have the most joy.
For us in life we may not always like where we are at. We may have trials and struggles to overcome and we want to have a better life. This better life will come as we strive to make it back home to live with our Heavenly Father.
It’s comforting to know that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, suffered all things. He understands your pain and can help you through your trials. When you have faith in God and His plan, you can be assured that there’s a purpose to all that happens to you here on earth. Our time here is short compared to our eternal life.
"Your life didn’t begin at birth and it won’t end at death. Before you came to earth, your spirit lived with Heavenly Father who created you. You knew Him, and He knew and loved you. It was a happy time during which you were taught God’s plan of happiness and the path to true joy. But just as most of us leave our home and parents when we grow up, God knew you needed to do the same. He knew you couldn’t progress unless you left for a while. So he allowed you to come to earth to experience the joy—as well as pain—of a physical body."(1)
"Most of us would probably say we want to live forever. That’s exactly what God gave to each of us when He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth to die for us and to atone for our sins. It’s called resurrection and everyone born on earth, even wicked people, will receive this gift of immortality (1 Corinthians 15:22)."(2)
Having this gift allows us to return home where we can have a fulness of joy forever.
Two years ago I left on a mission to serve the Lord and his children for two years. I left my family and my friends. I left behind many things that I love and enjoy doing. I went on an adventure of a lifetime to learn and to grow. I grew from a boy to a man. I have learned many things that will help me the rest of my life. It has not been easy, but I have had many people help me along the way. I haven't had much communication with those back home that I love so much, but I know they still care for me and are waiting for me to come home. During these past two years I have been through a lot. I have had many trials. I have watched others go through many trials and gone through some of them with them. I have had joy and happiness. It has been something that I will never forget. Now here in a few weeks I will return back to my home in Arizona. I will be homeward bound to those that I love so much and want to be with forever.
"Coping with calamities can strengthen you and make you more compassionate. It can help you learn, grow and want to serve others. Dealing with adversity is one of the chief ways you're tested and tutored in your life here on Earth. Our loving Heavenly Father has the ability to compensate us for any injustices we may be called upon to endure in this mortal life. If we endure faithfully He will reward us beyond our ability to comprehend in the life to come (1 Corinthians 2:9). Amazingly, with God’s help you can experience joy even in times of trial, and face life’s challenges with a spirit of peace."(3)